Lawn Seeding


If your lawn is looking thin and brown and has more weeds than grass. Keystone Lawn Treatments can help you get back to the thick, lush, green lawn you've always wanted and all you need to do is reseed. If you put down a layer of seed over your lawn in the spring or fall, all the thin areas start growing grass, and your lawn starts to look terrific again.

Your grass does get old and needs to be replaced. Worn-out lawns invite weeds. Reseeding is a fast way to help bring your lawn back to its lush, green, healthy self without tearing everything out and starting over. It's also a great way to introduce a new type of grass.

What seed you choose depends on where you live and what problem is making your lawn thin in the first place. For instance, if your lawn is shady, choose a shade-tolerant seed. If kids play in your yard, choose a variety that can stand up to foot traffic. For best results, ask KLT to help choose a lawn for you.